Day 2 - Chiang Rai

Good morning everyone, today will be my 2nd day in Thailand.

Road view outside my house

This is the market along the Myanmar boarder at Doy Wao.

There is a temple up ahead the market and it is a long way up the temple.

Phra Thad Doy Wao Pagoda

There's a "monk" staying inside this little house.

Someone said she won't want to go up but she's the first to climb.

Mum "Ehhhh"

Dad *Looks over*

Look at how high is the step, one step is made out of 3 bricks.

Top to bottom view.

Big gong

Opposite this temple there is many graveyard at myanmar facing toward this direction.


There is this lady selling ice-cream around the temple.

Coconut ice-cream

Scorpion facing Myanmar

View of Chiang Rai from the top on the temple

Pardon me for not putting make-up

We left the temple after awhile as it is very windy up there until the leaves is flying around, it looks like it is going to rain so we left quickly. While on our way down the wind decreases.

Later we went to pack food back home to eat and I saw this man selling crispy pancake and I decided to try one

We can choose the ingredients and topping of what we like and what is available there.

Mine is the white one with everything milky, we can also choose the wrapping paper.

Her's is chocolate and some floss plus other topping, both of us choose shin chan.

Along the road we saw this, they are preparing for the Loy Katong festival that will be held two days later.

Red bean dessert after our dinner, we bought many different kind of dessert because they all look delicious but can't finish all.

This is the sky lantern we bought a lot of them and set them up at night.