Dear readers, have you been wondering what day is yesterday and why is there so much people queuing up at the bank deposit machine?
Lichun(立春), so called Farmer's Day in East Asian culture
4-5 February is the 1st day of Solar and also the beginning of Spring season in Solar term
It begins when the longitude is at 315°, the day when the sun reaches exactly at the celestial
Still don't understand? Read up on Wiki
Most Chinese believe that saving money every year on this day will bring them wealth and good luck for the whole year. Feng Shui Master also recommend people to wear a red shirt/blouse when banking in their cash into their account so that it will work. However there is an auspicious hour for every zodiac to bank in their money.
Timing are base on Chinese zodiac, below is a table in-case you don't know your zodiac:
For example I am born in the year 1993 then my Chinese zodiac will be Rooster
Photo credit:
This is the publication for this year auspicious hour that have been passing around:
Image from unknown source
Timing to bank in your cash may not be the same every year, it actually depends on the almanac which I don't know where is the source so remember to do some research and stay up to date so that you will not miss out your auspicious hour.
Regardless of races, if you are pondering over whether to deposit your money or not when you see the long queue don't think JUST DO IT(if you have time). You may get richer even without the need of spending any money, in-fact you will also earn yourself some extra bank interest. No harm trying right? I am a superstitious girl and I have only found out about this tradition yesterday afternoon, no doubts my auspicious hour is already over I still dress up in red to join the queue hoping I would be a little richer.
Some of you may think that it could be a bank hoax because they want to replenish their cash as there are a mass withdrawer of money before the Chinese New Year period. To believe it or not, actually it is up to you. Good luck :)
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