Pose like a Men Bodybuilder and a Physique Model

Posing workshop by Desmond Lee, NABBA Muscle War 2016 Overall Bodybuilding Champion (left)
and&nbsp Terrence Teo, Muscla Mania Physique Pro (right)

This weekend a 3-hour posing workshop is held at Hercules Fitness Gym in conjunction with NABBA Singapore.

NABBA Singapore have a few competitions lining up this year:
  • NABBA Muscle War - 6 February 2016
  • Mortal Battle Championship (with cash prize) - 28 April 2016
  • NABBA MR Singapore Universe - August 2016
  • NABBA Singapore Classic Invitational - October 2016
Therefore to score the highest marks it is important to learn some basic posing strategies.
In preparation, competitor will go for frequent gym training, clean eat, and learn their posing (only chance to impress the judges).

Mens Physique by Terrence Teo

Online Physique Coach, Motivational Coach, and Model. Been competing since 2009 and won several awards across Malaysia, Hong Kong, Singapore and recently Bangkok.

What is covered:
  • Men's Physique Rules
  • Stage Presence and Personality
  • Presentation
  • Final Top 5

Bodybuilding Mandatory Poses by Desmond Lee

Fitness enthusiast, Managing Director and Master Trainer of Hercules Fitness

What is covered:
  • Bad Habit
  • 8 Compulsory Poses
  • Quick Tips


Short brief on how the stage will look like

Tea Break and Mingling
 Posing should be practice several times, there is always room for improvement.

Experiences competitor

Participant get to show off their posing and get correction from the experts.

Novice Competitor

Q&A Session

Feel free to ask question you have in mind regardless of dieting, breathing, when to flex etc.

Proudly presented by:
Desmond Lee, Dennis Tew, and Terrence Teo (Left to Right)

Follow them on Facebook for future updates on posing workshop, you may even receive tips about the competition.
I can't wait for the Bikini Model posing workshop to commerence!