Opera make up

Yesterday had a last minute performance which we didn't know what is that performance about. I see the costume then I am thinking "Ohmygod opera make up, I don't want!" But end up I still take part in the performance. Because I scare that the make up would spoil my skin, I think they use poster colour to make up for us lor -.- I regretted for not bringing a face cleanser and a make up remover because their make up is so hard to remove and I think it is very harsh to my skin by rubbing it off. Have been cabbing to home and school these few day, I must really save up some money for my future studies $7000+ more to go. Pictures below!

Today went to dentist, I got my transparent retainer and I think it look like a teeth casing haha. It look like a Invisalign aligner, those new type of "braces" which is transparent in colour but it take a longer time for the teeth to be straight. Starting it was very hard to insert and remove because it is very tight, I remove until my gum bleed ): Later went to do my facial. Went home to cook instant noodle then I realize my 3 meals for today are all noodles! And guess what, I receive my parcel today ^^

Will blog about it soon when I'm free, check back!