We took part into the PlugFest IHL category, the category is targeted at tertiary undergraduate students and is endorsed by IDA Singapore under the National Infocomm Competition (NIC) II framework in the IHL category.
We also attend workshop that might be a help to us, video of the workshop can be found here
The competition drew 30 entries in total, top 10 apps were to showcase their application on 2 April 2013 at Google Asia Pacific
The objective of this application we develop is to Engage students at ITE by harnessing the power of mobile learning and promote collaborative discussion among students. Students get to do on the go learning anytime anywhere on their phone or tablet.
Our application make use of open data from Onemap as well as Google app engine, Google map and Google drive API.
Here is some screenshot and short description of our application:
User have to login in-order to access the main page
We have a simple and easy to use user interface
Revise Chapter
User can download the pdf file or watch the practical video online to revise especially when class test or exam is near.
Do Quiz
User can take the quiz to test their knowledge to know how well do they understand the module.
Check Score
After taking the quiz user are able check their score. It will motivate students to do better as they can compare score with their peers.
ITE AMK Campus
With GPS enabled user can find out the nearby eatery around AMK ITE
A timetable in this application would be easy and convenient for user to check their timetable
Push Alert
With push alert user can receive the latest update on campus events and promotions.
Latest content would be updated automatic so user do need to update the apps.
Application is still on beta testing and is currently not on Google Play store yet, we are still working on to improve further.
Guest of honour Mrs Josephine Teo, Minister of State for Finance And Transport visiting the most liked app which is PP-Coupon created by students from Nanyang Polytechnic
Award ceremony is held on 3 April 2013, result will also be announce on that day. Greatest new is that our team won the third prize in PlugFest IHL category, it was so unexpected! Each of us get a Google Nexus 7. Of course the biggest credit goes to Mr Sia(Right).
PlugFest is primarily supported by Google and Infocomm Development Authority (IDA) Singapore. PlugFest is inspired by "The Voice" singing competition and plans to mentor the participants.
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