Yes Korea, you heard that! Items are directly imported from Korea.
If you have heard about the brand Gmarket it has been rebranded to Qoo10. Why Qoo10?
Q stands for "Quest"
OO stands for "Search"
10 stands for "Perfection and completeness"
This month is Qoo10 birthday! By celebrating Qoo10 birthday they are organising a Flash Sale every hour for attractive items such as Longchamp handbags, Casio Edifice watches, OPI products etc. at marked down prices!
Qoo10 are also having a $1 lucky auction, join me and place a bid. Who knows you might be a winner ;)
Look at the amount of coupon I have and imagine how much I could save by using those coupon
GET YOUR Birthday Exclusive Discount Coupon NOW!
If you are going to create a Qoo10 account please fill up the Recommender's Qnumber column with "900213062"
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