Nutrigirl 2016 Casting

Have been waiting for this since the start of the year, and the casting is finally open. Gave it a try last Saturday together with Chevy and we got through, yay! Basically most of the girls got through la.

So this is how the group casting look like, it was held in one of the room in SMU and we will need to do an self-introduction of ourselves and reason why we join, what we hope to achieve etc.

For me is of course to improve on my appearance duh, want to look beautiful and healthy

You know that I am truly happy when you see my double chin, I know I look fat but it is my happiness face and I am already trying my best to get rid of it.

How I wish I can look more glamours on candid, but it's ok after all it is still me right

Ya, and my full body shot. First time see-ing my thigh looking so huge my entire life, seriously need to slim down already.

And if you are interested below is the information on registration, another casting will be held next month. Good luck!

Image courtesy of Zan Ang at Facebook

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