
Woke up this afternoon and saw Chevy's messages "Serene, where are you? Wanna go eat? Ben ask me to go makan."

Since my evening planned is being cancelled then I shall go for this, I need to eat anyway. Chevy suggested Choupinette (only 7 minute drive from my home), a place where three of us didn't go before. Ben is ranting as usual but today is worst because of his relationship problem and I have been laughing away. 

607 Bukit Timah Rd
Singapore 269708
Opening hours:
Tuesday - Saturday: 8:00 am - 7:00 pm
Sunday: 8:00 am - 6:00 pm
Contact: +65 6466 0613

This french restaurant is located at the row of shop houses beside Coronation Shopping Plaza

Never knew Monin syrup can be a decorative product too

Was hesitating to place my order at first because I am already sick of egg and my gums are fragile, once I bite something hard (toast bread) my upper gum will hurt :( further more I already had fried rice at home

Was thinking to get something light like croissant or dessert and fruit juices but I am afraid it wouldn't be enough

After much consideration I settled down with Le Noé (smoked salmon with homemade gravlax sauce in a warm fougasse) accompany with Earl Grey tea

Le Noé is actually served with salad but I swapped it for mashed potato and I am loving it!

Really enjoy the food, the bread is not as hard as I thought and it is slightly sweet too. Worth the visit!

Service staff saw me taking pictures so he took this down for me from the shelf, inside this piggy it actually contains 2kg of ham (pre-order available)

They made it this way so that people can enjoy the bread and ham at the same time, so thoughtful! I saw couple of mini doughnuts too haha.

Head home after brunch, and happy to see the arrival of my screen protector in my letter box that I order on Friday.

Never make any comparison with other brand before making my purchase because I think that the brand itself is credible enough (although I never use Spigen before), they also make their product sounds so good and I find it convincing after watching some Youtube video so I decided to get this.


You know.. some brand actually uses high quality plastic and they call is glass hence they are able to sell it at a lower price, consumer can't tell the differences anyway. Spigen is different, they differentiate their glass (GLAS.tR SLIM) and plastic (Curved Crystal ) by names, how honest.

Apply discount code "DISC15%" upon checkout to receive 15% discount if you were to purchase anything from Spigen. I actually found this discount code from their Facebook page, don't say I not good never share.

The 12inch retina display rumors is found to be true. Apple is coming out with freaking new MacBook and the design is glamours, you don't freaking tempt me!


Who in the world change their MacBook once a year, oh my.. It only weights 0.92kg, goshhhhh (compared to mine 1.3kg) but the cons is that the battery life is 3 hour shorter, it comes with a slower processor and has even limited ports, oh well nothing can be perfect.

Really want to try La Taperia someday, but that Ben doesn't take seafood -_-